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Instructional Development and Production


In the Spring 2011, I worked individually on a project that involved developing and producing a documentary entailing an instructional intervention. My intervention was from a Redbud Hills Retirement Home's daily exercise class and the use of the CD "Light 'N Lively". It was a semester-long project for my R541 Instructional Development and Production class. I began by getting permission from the retirement home's administration and getting the participants' consent on video.  I then videotaped several sessions of the class, interviews with the recreation director at the center, and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Applied Health Science at Indiana University.  The skills I acquired were mainly self-taught through tutorials.  It was my first development and production of a documentary.  

Skills Demonstrated:
- Script-writing for the documentary and the interview questions
- Developing and producing a documentary using Adobe Premiere Pro, Soundbooth and Photoshop
- Conducting interviews with an expert in a related field, the recreation director, and the participants
- Documenting different stages through pictures, video, and audio
- Filming all clips used, as well as recording all audio

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